Wednesday, May 4, 2011


What I like:  I like that it is like an online favorites.  So you can have your favorites on any computer you get on.
What I don't like:  It's a little confusing, especially at first.
What would I use it for:  Saving my favorite sites for when I get on another computer or go on a trip.
What I understand:  I understand its purpose and how to save bookmarks
What I don't understand: I dont know how it fully works.  It has other functions we haven't learned yet.

Monday, April 25, 2011


I think everyone did really well.  They were all different and it was cool to see how similar things (interviews) could be used in different ways.  Such as Brittany's iMovie and Aspen's Comic life.  Everyone had a different direction to take this project and the outcome was pretty cool.

Friday, April 15, 2011


Hopefully Monday we can all share what we are planning to make.  I will go look at other people's blog posts and compare the work so far.
I will probably end up doing something extra.  Maybe a short paper about what the pictures in my project mean, and/or how they relate to technology.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


I am done with the projects.  I did two different projects because I thought I got done pretty fast.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


When the movie is finished, or at least a few clips, it will be much easier to do audio.  Meanwhile, I will be a stand in for a few scenes.  Mostly just for fun, but they also need people so there's a lot being accomplished.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Act 5

After Romeo bought the Poison, he took it to Juliet's temporary grave at night with one of his servants.  He threatened him to go away once they were there.  Paris saw Romeo breaking into the tomb, and immediately assumed the worst.  Romeo insisted he not tempt him, but he could do nothing to stop a fight frim breaking out, ultimately ending with Romeo killing Paris.  Romeo drank the poison and died in Juliet's tomb, minutes later, she wakes up and sees him there, and kills herself.
The tragedy is the only reason the families made up and is an underlying message in the story.  It is a message that doesn't get talked about much, but I think should be.

Act 5 - so far

Romeo doesn't know she hasn't actually died and as a messenger in those times, I thought the messenger would've been killed or something.  Romeo then buys poison to take into the tomb and kill himself next to her.
I think dramatic music would be best, like the rising action in a movie before a bomb goes off, something like that.